176° Mercoledì di Nexa – An anti-fascist approach to AI means decomputing

176° Mercoledì di Nexa – An anti-fascist approach to AI means decomputing

AI Intelligenza Artificiale Appuntamenti Nexa

Il 176° Mercoledì di Nexa si terrà mercoledì 9 ottobre, alle ore 17.30, con un incontro dal titolo "An anti-fascist approach to AI means decomputing".

Ospite: Dan McQuillan (Goldsmiths, University of London), autore del libro Resisting AI. An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence.

Tutte le informazioni per partecipare sono sul sito del Centro Nexa for Internet Societty

Leggi una recensione del libro

"AI’s apparatus of computation and social relations produces a nested set of inevitable harms, from states of exception to environmental degradation. A common thread running through its mathematical operations, its c2ontemporary applications and its accompanying ideologies is the reemergence of eugenics and authoritarian social logics.

In this talk I will argue for an anti-fascist approach to AI that aims for alternative technopolitical outcomes. I will suggest a strategy of decomputing which combines degrowth and decolonialism in order to delegitimise AI’s extractivism and its use as a diversion from the structural failures of the status quo. In practice, this would consist of forms of action that reject hyperscale machinery hurtful to the commonality, and instead attempt to transform collective subjectivities and technical arrangements at the same time."

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